1 |
Ten Commandments ENG Pr FF Chong
Pr FF Chong |
Hits: 1766
2 |
Pray for the Holy Spirit 追求聖靈 ENG
Pr Derren Liang 梁得仁 傳道 |
Hits: 1666
3 |
Father Forgive Them 父阿 ! 赦免他們
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 1445
4 |
Let Us Not Judge One Another 不要論斷別人
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 5613
5 |
Life of Samson 5 - We Must Consider the Cost 參孫 - 務必衡量代價
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 4791
6 |
Life of Samson 4 - We Must Defeat Sin 參孫 - 絕心戰勝罪惡
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 4615
7 |
Life of Samson 3 - We Must Not Tolerate Sin 參孫 - 絕不容忍罪惡
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 4668
8 |
Life of Samson 2 - A Life of Fleshly Desires 體貼肉體的參孫
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 4911
9 |
Life of Samson 1 - A Wasted Life 糟蹋生命的參孫
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 5267
10 |
Dealing With Problems 應付困難
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 5417
11 |
Developing a Life of Prayer 塑造禱告的生活
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 5266
12 |
Nehemiah the Problem Solver 尼西米 解決難題者
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 6673
13 |
To Overcome Evil We Must be Filled with the Holy Spirit 要征服邪惡必須充滿聖靈
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 5434
14 |
A Changed Face and a New Set of Wings 變貌及新翅膀
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 1480
15 |
Sticks and Stones 木棍與石頭 ENG MND
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 5984
16 |
Send Forth Fresh Spring Water 發出甜水來
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 1409
17 |
Seven Purposes for the Sabbath 安息日的七個意義 ENG
Dn Richard Solgot |
Hits: 6747
18 |
The Prayer of Jesus 耶穌的祈禱 Pr FF Chong
Pr FF Chong |
Hits: 2514
19 |
The Anointing in Bethany 伯大尼之澆香膏 Pr FF Chong
Pr FF Chong |
Hits: 3592